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Zapier Actions

Sesamy's integrates with Zapier and allows you to send certain information from hundreds of third party services like Spreadsheets, Slack or Gmail.

We support the following actions

You can find the full list of actions when you create a Zap

External Purchase

This action will allow you to synchronize your system's purchases with the Sesamy platform.

  • Source: (Required) The first step is to create an external source from the Sesamy Portal. Must be type 'HOOK'. This source will appear in the Zap dropdown options.
  • vendorId: (Required) You have to select the vendor ID from the dropdown vendors list.
  • publisherPurchaseId: (Optional) If you send a purchase ID we will store it so you can match it against your system's data.
  • sku & poId: (Required) Either send the product SKU and purchase option Id or send a productId
  • productId: (Required) If you do not send the product ID you must send sku & poId. To use this option you must have defined the product mapping first.
  • startsAt: (Required) Optional subscription's start date
  • endsAt: (Optional) Subscription's end date
  • firstName: (Optional) Customer first name
  • lastName: (Optional) Customer last name
  • email: (Optional) Customer email
  • userId: (Optional) Customer's sesamy userId
  • publisherUserId: (Optional) If you send a publisher user ID we will store it so you can match it against your system's data.
  • notes: (Optional) Notes about this purchase
  • Delivery address fields: (Optional) A delivery address
  • Billing address fields: (Optional) A billing address

Sample hook payload:

source: 'sesamy-source-id-1234',
vendorId: 'vendor-id-1234',
publisherPurchaseId: 'purchase-id-1234',
sku: '1234',
poId: '1234',
startsAt: '2022-11-08T12:49:11.190Z',
endsAt: '2022-12-08T12:49:11.190Z',
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'James',
email: '',
userId: '1234',
publisherUserId: 'user-id-1234',
notes: 'Note..',
productId: 'product-1234',
deliveryAddressFirstName: 'John',
deliveryAddressLastName: 'James',
deliveryAddressCo: '',
deliveryAddressStreet: 'Sveavägen 59',
deliveryAddressCity: 'Stockholm',
deliveryAddressZip: '113 59',
deliveryAddressCountry: 'SE',
billingAddressFirstName: 'John',
billingAddressLastName: 'James',
billingAddressCo: '',
billingAddressStreet: 'Sveavägen 59',
billingAddressCity: 'Stockholm',
billingAddressZip: '113 59',
billingAddressCountry: 'SE',