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The address component displays and allows updating the address of the current vendor user. It could for instance be used on a user profile website


Basic usage



Passing custom attributes


By specifying a title attribute the title of the component can be set. If the attribute is set to an empty string the title is removed.

<sesamy-address title="Another title"></sesamy-address>



The sesamy-address element are packaged with base styles, which can be adjusted by modifying CSS custom properties.

The list of CSS custom properties are (the value set is the default value, if the property is not presented it will take that value):

sesamy-profile {
--max-width: 100%; // Container maximum width
--margin: 30px auto; // Container margin
--padding: 23px 32px 32px 32px; // Container padding
--border: 1px solid #e4e4e5; // Container border
--background: transparent; // Container background
--font-family: "Roboto", "Inter", sans-serif; // Texts font family
--input-margin-bottom: 20px; // Input bottom margin
--input-background: transparent; // Input background
--input-height: 50px; // Input height
--input-color: #222222; // Input font color
--input-font-size: 15px; // Input font size
--input-border: 1px solid #d3d3d3; // Input border
--input-border-radius: 4px; // Input border radius
--label-font-family: "Inter", sans-serif; // Label font family
--label-font-weight: medium; // Label font weight
--label-color: #22222250; // Label font color
--label-font-size: 15px; // Label font size
--button-background: #ffffff; // Button background
--button-background-hover: var(
var(--button-background, #22222220)
); // Button background (hover state)
--button-opacity-hover: 1; // Button opacity (hover state)
--button-color: #222222; // Button font color
--button-font-family: "Helvetica"; // Button font family
--button-font-size: 15px; // Button font size
--button-font-weight: 400; // Button font weight
--button-width: 100%; // Button width
--button-max-width: 100%; // Button max width
--button-height: 45px; // Button height
--button-border: 1px solid #b3b3b3; // Button border
--button-border-radius: 50px; // Button border radius
--button-padding: 14px 30px; // Button padding