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The entitlements component displays a list of all the content the user has access to. It could for instance be used on a user profile website.


Basic usage



Passing custom attributes

Product Type

By passing a product-type attribute the entitlements components will filter the entitlements by product type. This way it's possible to add separate listings of for instance articles and podcasts.

<sesamy-entitlements product-type="artile"></sesamy-entitlements>

<sesamy-entitlements product-type="podcast"></sesamy-entitlements>


Hide type and description

To have a slimmer version of the entitlement, you can pass the attributes hide-type and hide-description.

<sesamy-entitlements hide-type hide-description></sesamy-entitlements>



The sesamy-entitlements element are packaged with base styles, which can be adjusted by modifying CSS custom properties.

The list of CSS custom properties are (the value set is the default value, if the property is not presented it will take that value):

sesamy-entitlements {
--background: transparent; // Container background
--items-gap: 16px; // Gap between the items
--item-width: 300px; // Item min-width (Minimum allowed value = 185px)
--font-family: 'Helvetica'; // Texts font family
--details-margin-left: 8px; // Left margin of the details container
--details-justify-content: space-between; // Content justify of details container
--title-color: #131313; // Title color
--summary-color, #22222260; // Summary color
--type-color: #22222270; // Product type color
--type-font-size: 11px; // Produc type font size
--type-font-family: var(--font-family, 'Helvetica'); // Product type font family
--date-color: #22222260; // Date color
--date-font-size: 12px; // Date font size
--date-font-family: var(--font-family, 'Helvetica'); // Date font family
--image-size: 95px; // Item's image size
--image-border-radius: 12px; // Item's image border radius
--divider-color: #70707023; // Item's divider color
--divider-width: 1px; // Item's divider width